探索关于国际冲突、冷战、美国军事历史和从第一次世界大战后到21世纪的政策决策的新见解。从全球超级大国的角度看,学生和研究人员对关键的外交关系没有别的地方能有如此全面的了解。这些藏品涵盖了解密的政府文件(许多文件仅由 ProQuest 出版或首次出版),以及档案材料、新闻、期刊等等,涵盖了各大洲的人物和事件。
What's New

LGBTQ Rights & the U.S. Military
Discover how historical newspapers, government documents and other primary sources can uncover the voices of LGBTQ women and men in the U.S. military.
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Vietnam Veterans
Professor Andrew Hunt of the University of Waterloo gives an overview of the history of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, illustrating the importance of digitized primary sources.
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Digital National Security Archive
Explore 989,000 pages of declassified U.S. government documents that provide vital primary source research material for 20th century history, politics and international relations.
Learn More军事和外交历史收藏