
只有 ProQuest 为早期现代的学生和学者提供了深入研究世界杰出的书籍、小册子和可追溯到印刷黎明的短暂收藏的经验,而无需周游世界。涵盖宗教、科学、探索、政治、艺术、历史和文学等学科,难以找到的主要来源材料的高质量数字化包括图像、边缘、封面和装订,所有这些都通过打印信息、散射地图等元数据得到增强。

What's New

Women Printers

Women Printers

When the opportunity presented itself, women master printers frequently went on to build careers of great distinction, as the collections of Early European Books demonstrate.

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French Spiritual Life

French Spiritual Life

Collection 20 of Early European Books includes the history of religious orders, organization and clothing, local miracles and events and facts around the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

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Opening New Worlds

Opening New Worlds

Professor Andrew Pettegree is a renowned British historian and expert on Europe during the Reformation. In this case study, he discusses the challenges of studying early print books.

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Early English Books Online

Early English Books Online

Primary Sources, 学术, 历史与社会变革, 英国历史, 早期现代史
Literature & Area Studies Collections

Literature & Area Studies Collections

数据库, 公共图书馆, 社区学院, 学术, 历史与社会变革, 文献, 早期现代史


数据库, 历史与社会变革, 社会科学, 英国历史, 早期现代史, 宗教与哲学