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Ya sea investigando a una persona, lugar o evento en la Historia y la Cultura Negras, o aprendiendo sobre la historia de las demandas actuales de justicia racial, los estudiantes y académicos buscan recursos integrales que abarquen el tiempo. Only ProQuest proporciona un espectro de material desde la lucha por la liberación bajo la esclavitud hasta las luchas por los derechos civiles delsiglo XX. Trabajando en asociación con proveedores de contenido únicos, incluyendo la NAACP y el Chicago Defender, el contenido multidisciplinario de ProQuest incluye periódicos históricos, documentos de archivo, registros gubernamentales, imágenes, libros, video, revistas y más.
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Civil Rights Resource Guide
The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most inspiring and important social movements in American History. Explore three Civil Rights research topics -- Community Studies, Women in the Civil Rights Movement and NAACP Policy Positions -- with Ebooks, primary sources, video and more.
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ProQuest Black Studies – New!
ProQuest Black Studies brings together ProQuest’s award-winning Black Studies content into one destination for research, teaching and learning. It combines primary and secondary sources in an easy-to-use interface that enables students to find the resources they need, by topic pages, timelines, collection pages and more.
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Alexander Street Black Studies Collections
Experience black studies from a new perspective. These interdisciplinary resources feature rare and unique materials that survey the black experience throughout history, culture, literature, arts, drama and more.
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ProQuest African American Heritage

ProQuest Historical Newspapers™ Black Newspapers