ProQuest 国会是提供从 1789 年至今全面收集国会文件的唯一场所。这个主要来源的集合为学生提供了一个无与伦比的机会,通过比较今天的事件和意见与趋势和模式,我们国家的历史了解现在。国会听证会通过发表来自包括商业、工业、劳工、教育、卫生、刑事司法和政府在内的所有社会部门代表的不同意见,为美国社会、经济和政治历史的各个方面提供了独特的视角。
外交政策专家、经济学家、美洲原住民、民权领袖、公共卫生官员、科学家、农民、渔民、环保倡导者和普通公民提供了证词。参众两院的出版物记录了美国从13个殖民地向世界强国的转变,主要内容涉及从战争和军事入侵到核能、太空探索、恐怖主义和人权等主题。当与 ProQuest 新闻和档案来源一起审查时,国会内容可以促进即使是新手研究人员的能力,以培养作为公民和工人在未来安全和竞争社会中充分参与所需的批判性思维技能。
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The Past Informs the Present
ProQuest Congressional enables users to seamlessly explore a spectrum of topics bridging the past and present. Topics touch upon a plethora of information in which Congress has an interest, including public health, law enforcement, civil rights, the Constitution, education, the economy, the environment, foreign relations, and more.
See brochure9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Aftermath: Primary Sources and Research Topic Ideas
Dive into the profound impact of September 11th, 2001 with ProQuest Congressional. Uncover insights into government policy, national security, and the War on Terror through this comprehensive database. With this resource guide, gain a deeper understanding of the far-reaching consequences of this pivotal moment in history.
See Resource GuideDecolonization in Africa and Asia – Resource Guide
This resource guide can act as a starting point for students newly interested in the history of decolonization and continuing efforts to decolonize the world. ProQuest Congressional can help researchers understand how the U.S. government was involved in decolonizing five different countries.
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