Luthers Werke (Weimarer Ausgabe) contains the complete collection of Martin Luther's writings.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) is a central figure in the development of European culture, not only as a result of his religious influence but also for his contribution to the establishment of the High German language.
The complete Weimar Edition of his works is an essential resource for scholars of German language and literature as well as for theologians, historians, and philosophers.
Luthers Werke will invite new approaches to study by harnessing this complete and definitive edition to powerful search software. In addition to his Bible translations and his treatises, the database will include his sermons, letters, Tischreden, poems, and hymns, enabling scholars to navigate with ease through his works, finding every occurrence of a word or phrase. Searches may be limited to a particular work or genre, or expanded to include the entire database.
Published with the cooperation and support of Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger Weimar GmbH & Co.
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