How Text and Data Mining Enables Digital Literacy in the Classroom
Read about the University of Sydney’s journey to integrate text and data mining (TDM) into its undergraduate courses and incorporate it across disciplines

The new data visualization feature in ProQuest’s TDM Studio makes it ideal for use both in the classroom and in research. A new case study details how the University of Sydney (UoS) library worked with faculty, staff and experts from ProQuest to integrate TDM into undergraduate courses.
The UoS used an early version of TDM Studio, a the end-to-end TDM solution from ProQuest, and piloted its new easy-to-use, visual interface accessible to users without coding knowledge. The interface is now available to all TDM Studio subscribers.
TDM at the University of Sydney
In 2017, Dr. Marco Duranti, a senior history lecturer at the UoS, won an educational innovation grant for “developing digital literacy in human rights history.” Working with the library and others across the university, he used this grant to incorporate TDM into one of his undergraduate courses.
This was the first time many of his students had been exposed to TDM, which is becoming an increasingly important skill for those studying the humanities.
Duranti’s course was just the beginning. Now, UoS uses TDM in other classes and workshops, thanks to a growing expertise in the library and more opportunities to partner with faculty. “We just give the students access to TDM Studio and let them run with it,” said Duranti, emphasizing the user-friendliness of the new TDM Studio interface.
Follow the University of Sydney’s TDM journey in this new case study.