Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute, this first release of Film Index International contains the BFI's most up to date film and person index, with records from 1900 to the present. Offering both film and person searches, as well as a quick search function, Film Index International has useful functionality, such as a search history, the ability to save and e-mail selected records, hyperlinked references that allow a link resolver to find articles about the film, a Film Finder function that allows the use of a library’s catalog to locate copies of videos or DVDs of the films, and usage statistics.
The Film Index International database provides in-depth indexing of over 125,000 films - from the first silent movies to the latest blockbusters - and biographical information for over 800,000 personalities. Film Index International includes records on films from over 170 countries and has extensive coverage of international film awards. Its rich content also includes searchable plot summaries, full cast and crew lists as well as references to periodical articles on film and film-makers.
Film records contain detailed film information including the director, full cast and crew lists, year of release and production information. Credits, awards and a synopsis are also included. Person records include complete biographical information, a list of Awards received, plus a complete list of the films the subject featured in. Each record is hyperlinked to other related records, enabling you to navigate from the listed films to the corresponding film record. References to film journals are also cited in many film and person records, and are now hyperlinked to available full-text via a link resolver, allowing you to extend your research. The Film Finder function allows a library user to find locally held copies of videos or DVDs of the films.
Film IndexInternational contains an Administrators' resources area, which gives information and resources for librarians and administrations. Usage statistics are accessible from Administrators' resources. These are based on International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) guidelines, are easy to collate and give a full breakdown of access statistics. Also included in the area is information on how to obtain eye-catching posters and promotional material to raise awareness of Film Index International in your library is included. You can also request informative user guides, which give you an introduction to searching and browsing Film Index International, as well as including sample searches to enable users to get the most out of the service.
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