Unique compiled docket histories provide legal researchers with the ability to quickly search the full text of all content related to each Indian claim, which can be narrowed on the fly to pinpoint a topic. The compilation includes not only court documents, but also cites treaties, related congressional publications, and maps to facilitate the ability of researchers to fully understand the specifics of each case without leaving the docket history page. The inclusion of histories for both Court of Claims and Indian Claims Commissions dockets allows researchers to easily grasp the changes in the Indian claims process throughout U.S. history up to the present time.
Compiled histories for Indian Nation/Tribes allow researchers interested in the history of a specific Indian Nation to view all related treaties, maps, and court documents, or drill down quickly to see content related to a specific geographic location, time, or federally recognized tribe. The compiled page makes it easy for users to trace the journeys of the Indians as U.S. government Indian removal policies pushed them from their ancestral lands and forced them to relocate, as well as the determination of the tribes to gain standing in court to bring action against the U.S. Government to seek redress for inequities in the treaty process.
Our geographic indexing allows users to narrow their search to records related to specific States and Territories, which facilitates the ability of users to understand the location of Indian Nations/tribes at various points in time, and to understand how westward expansion of white settlers forced Indian tribes from divergent cultures to coexist in increasingly narrowed spaces.
An Unprecedented Window into U.S. History

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Enable students and researchers to search and explore these essential resources to help build critical thinking, analytical and digital literacy skills

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