Ethnic NewsWatch is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The database now also contains Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989. Together these resources present an unmatched, comprehensive, full-text collection of more than 2.5 million articles from over 340 publications. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the resource is the inclusion of unique community publications not found in any other database, as well as top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies.
There is no other periodical resource which so thoroughly covers ethnic studies as a whole and which presents unique ethnic presses and publications. Ethnic NewsWatch™ comprehensively covers these ethnic categories:
- African American/Caribbean/African
- Arab/Middle Eastern
- Asian/Pacific Islander
- European/Eastern European
- Hispanic
- Jewish
- Native People
A sampling of titles includes Kurdish Life, Minority Business Entrepreneur, Asian Week, Jewish Exponent, Seminole Tribune, Appalachian Heritage, Irish Voice, Chinese America, Islamic Horizons, The Filipino Express, Hmong Times, and Black Masks. A majority of this content is exclusive to ENW and not available in any other database.
Of the more than 2.5 million articles contained in the collection, nearly a quarter are presented in Spanish, making ENW an unmatched bilingual diversity database. Dozens of major Latino publications are featured, including El Nuevo Herald, and El Chicano Weekly.
Ethnic NewsWatch provides thousands of scholarly, full-text articles for area and ethnic studies, such as Jewish studies, African American studies, and Hispanic American studies. Ethnic NewsWatch also has the largest full-text archive of Native American publications.
The historical file of Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™ provides over 300,000 articles from 1959-1989. This hard-to-find content provides primary source material across three turbulent decades—the civil rights struggle, Vietnam War protests, dramatic changes in immigration law, trickledown economics, and the status of migrant workers.
The current Ethnic NewsWatch file provides visibility into newer ethnic groups as they form distinct communities and develop their own presses. New ethnic presses are continually monitored and new titles are added frequently. The database is updated daily with new content. The vast, full-text content of Ethnic NewsWatch is a unique and valuable resource for minority perspectives.
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