Black Studies Center is a leading tool that supports research, teaching, and learning in Black Studies and other disciplines that benefit from a more detailed coverage of the black experience such as history, literature, political science, sociology, philosophy, and religion.
The Black Studies Center is the resource you’ve been waiting for—a digital core collection of primary and secondary sources that record and illuminate the Black experience, from ancient Africa through modern times.
The Black Studies Center provides everything you need to enrich your existing Black Studies collection or start a new one from the ground up. You benefit from:
- A wealth of content you can trust
- Material unavailable elsewhere
- Cross-searching for multiple perspectives
- Support for research, teaching, and student projects
At its core is Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience™, a series of topical studies help define the development of Black Studies as an academic field. The Black Studies Center gateway makes it cross-searchable with the historical backfiles of the Chicago Defender, as well as current scholarly works from International Index to Black Periodicals—Full Text™, the Marshall Index, and the Black Literature Index.
Libraries can enhance Black Studies Center with multiple add-on modules. Nine historical Black newspapers can be added individually and are fully cross-searchable with ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Our final add-on module, Dissertations for Black Studies, contains 1,000 doctoral dissertations and Masters’ theses relating to Black Studies.
Historical and current; primary and secondary; popular and scholarly; objective fact and subjective context…studies, newspapers, and periodicals…the ever-growing Black Studies Center is ideal for everyone from academic researchers to young people just beginning to explore the field.
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