A comprehensive survey of current publications in the fields of visual and applied arts, the Art, Design & Architecture Collection includes ProQuest's specialist indexes ARTbibliographies Modern (covering modern and contemporary art), Design & Applied Arts Index (for all aspects of design and crafts), and International Bibliography of Art (covering scholarship on western art history), together with a complementary collection of current full-text journals from ProQuest's Arts & Humanities Database.

ARTbibliographies Modern is the only specialist bibliography available for the study of modern and contemporary art from the late 19th century onwards. ARTbibliographies Modern provides deeper coverage of publications on modern artists and movements than any other index.

Design & Applied Arts Index is an international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities. Design & Applied Arts Index provides researchers with abstracts and bibliographic records for articles, news items, and reviews published in design and applied arts periodicals from 1973 onwards.

International Bibliography of Art is recognized as the world's most comprehensive bibliography of scholarly writing about the history of western art. International Bibliography of Art consists of bibliographic citations, abstracts, and subject indexing drawn from the Getty’s thesaurus and authority files.

Recursos do cliente

Short Description

A Vantagem ProQuest

Projetado por especialistas em ensino, aprendizagem e pesquisa da EdTech

Vozes Diversas

Vozes Diversas

Vá além do mainstream para obter uma visão abrangente

Perspectivas Históricas e Atuais

Perspectivas Históricas e Atuais

Abrange a história, narrando movimentos e tendências – contexto para onde estamos hoje

Interface projetada para usuários acadêmicos

Interface projetada para usuários acadêmicos

Os usuários se levantam rapidamente e encontram o que precisam, para que possam gastar mais tempo nas tarefas que proporcionam sucesso

Moderno, Intuitivo, Responsivo e Acessível

Moderno, Intuitivo, Responsivo e Acessível

Os usuários on-the-go de hoje podem acessar informações em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora – mesmo offline

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