Technology, business and so much more...

O’Reilly for Public Libraries subscription includes more than 47,000 books and 30,000 hours of video in areas such as information technology and software; business; digital media; professional and personal development; and desktop and web applications.

Serving the needs of patrons who are working to advance their careers, tune into business and technology trends, or explore new software, this collection—created and curated by O’Reilly—serves the business and technology needs of a wide range of users.

Included are hundreds of books and videos for makers, gamers and tinkerers; more than 100 hobbyist titles including STEAM Lab for Kids and The Lego Build-It Book, Volumes 1 & 2; more than 900 books from the “For Dummies” series; and more than 150 titles on job-seeking and career development.

Learn more about how O’Reilly for Public Libraries enhances workforce development in a Library Journal article.

A Vantagem ProQuest

Projetado por especialistas em ensino, aprendizagem e pesquisa da EdTech

Construir coleções de ebooks estrategicamente

Construir coleções de ebooks estrategicamente

Use um ebook como base e, em seguida, complemente estrategicamente com títulos para uma coleção personalizada

Obter mais impacto

Obter mais impacto

Acesso ilimitado com crescimento contínuo significa que os dólares do orçamento vão mais longe

Interface projetada para usuários acadêmicos

Interface projetada para usuários acadêmicos

A plataforma Ebook Central fácil de usar apresenta downloads de capítulos sem DRM, estantes, anotações e outros recursos que melhoram a experiência de pesquisa e melhoram os resultados

Customer Resources

Short Description

O'Reilly by the Numbers

Organizations use O'Reilly daily



30K+ hours

Multimedia Content


Of the world’s best publishers

This platform is extremely easy to use - it is very intuitive, no instructions or training is needed, and patrons can start using it right away from the Search box


Awards and Recognition


We’ve never been able to offer the depth of technology and instructional resources that we want because we don’t have the shelf space or the money for a really neat collection of software or computer programming materials. O’Reilly is a great way for us to offer a ton of those things

Logan MacDonald, Director of Products & Technology, Anythink Libraries

What's New in O'Reilly for Public Libraries


What's New in O'Reilly for Public Libraries

Stay up to date with the latest content updates for O'Reilly and how it keeps users informed of what’s next in the fast-paced disciplines of business and technology.

Review highlights of what's been recently added to O'Reilly for Public Libraries.

See More Details

Must-Have Database for Technology. Users will find this an all-in-one solution for building skills in business and tech at any level


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