Trace the Evolution of Fitness, Food, Public Health, and More
This premier collection provides backfiles of consumer magazines that have not been readily available in libraries – until now. It offers digital access to the archives of nine leading US and UK publications with coverage from 1869 to 2020. Topics include 20th-century history and society, women’s/men’s studies, body image, fitness and exercise history, history of food and nutrition, and public health.
Titles lnclude:
- Flex [US] (1983 to 2015)
- Men’s Fitness [US] (1985 to 2015)
- Men’s Fitness [UK] (1999 to 2015)
- Men’s Health [US] (1986 to 2015)
- Prevention [US] (1950 to 2015)
- Women’s Health [US](2005 to 2015)
- Women’s Health Activist [US] (1975 to 2015)
- Women’s Health Weekly [US] (1994 to 2015)
- Zest [UK] (1994 to 2014)
* Our policy is to include each issue from the first and to scan from cover to cover. Due to the rarity of some of the original print volumes, however, there are some gaps (issues or pages).
Customer Resources
View the Health & Fitness Magazine Archive Brochure
See titles available in Health & Fitness Magazine Archive

Digital Backfile
Coverage spanning 1950 to 2015 – over 150 years of content

Metadata and Searchability
Full-text searchable content

Document-Type Indexing
Easy retrieval of specific content such as advertisements, photographs, and illustrations

Full-Color Digitization
Cover-to-cover full-color digitization to maximize the visual content
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