Uncover the Evolution of Faith and its Influence on Society
Religious magazines originally aimed at a popular readership are key primary sources through which to interpret myriad aspects of 20th-century religious history, relating to, for example, the evolution and development of particular religious movements, the changing relationship between religion and society/the state, and the influence of belief systems on public life.
By offering the full backfiles of major religious magazines spanning the 19th-21st centuries, Religious Magazine Archive makes newly accessible these key sources, for which archival issues have not widely been retained by libraries.
The availability of this material opens up countless new opportunities for research, across multiple disciplines; whilst this content is of particular relevance for studies in the history of religion, it will be of relevance also to areas such as social history, politics, theology, sociology, and international relations.
Titles include:
- Advent [Hinduism] 1944 - 2015
- America [Catholicism] 1909 - 2015
- Bible Review [Judaism, Protestantism, Catholicism] 1985 - 2015
- Catholic World [Catholicism] 1865 - 1996
- Islamic Horizons [Islam] 1963 - 2015
- Islamica [Islam] 1993 - 2015
- National Catholic Reporter [Catholicism] 1964 - 2015
- Plain Truth [Protestantism] 1934 - 1996
- The Pope Speaks [Catholicism] 1954 - 2015
- Presbyterian Outlook [Presbyterianism] 1944 - 2015
- Protestant Truth [Protestantism] 1845 - 2015
- Quest [Theosophy] 1913 - 2015
- Sikh Courier International [Sikhism] 1961 - 2015
- Sikh Messenger [Sikhism] 1984 - 2015
- Sojourners Magazine [Christianity] 1971 - 2015
- Spiritual Life [Spirituality] 1955 - 2015
- U.S. Catholic [Catholicism] 1968 - 2015
- UU World [Unitarianism] 1987 - 2015
* Our policy is to include each issue from the first and to scan from cover to cover. Due to the rarity of some of the original print volumes, however, there are some gaps (issues or pages).
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See titles available in Religious Magazine Archive

Digital Backfile
Coverage spanning 1869 to 2020 – over 170 years of content

Metadata and Searchability
Full-text searchable content

Document-Type Indexing
Easy retrieval of specific content such as advertisements, photographs, and illustrations

Full-Color Digitization
Cover-to-cover full-color digitization to maximize the visual content
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